Message from Minister Mohagher Iqbal on the Appointment of Secretary Sonny Angara as the New Department of Education Secretary

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Secretary Sonny Angara on his recent appointment as the Secretary of the Department of Education. His exemplary service, dedication to public welfare, and unwavering commitment to the advancement of our nation make him an outstanding choice for this pivotal role.

Secretary Angara’s appointment comes at a time when the education sector faces numerous challenges and opportunities. His extensive experience in public service, legislative work, and advocacy for education reform will undoubtedly guide the Department of Education toward new heights of excellence and innovation.

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE) look forward to a strengthened partnership with the Department of Education under Secretary Angara’s leadership. Collaboration between our institutions is essential for realizing our shared vision of providing quality, accessible, and inclusive education for every child, regardless of their geographical location or socio-economic status.

As we navigate the complexities of educational reform and development, we must work together to address the unique needs and aspirations of the Bangsamoro region. The MBHTE remains committed to fostering educational excellence, promoting cultural sensitivity, and ensuring our educational policies and programs align with our learners’ diverse backgrounds.

With Secretary Angara at the helm of the Department of Education, we are confident that we will see a renewed focus on equity, inclusivity, and innovation in our education system. The MBHTE is eager to collaborate on initiatives that will enhance the quality of education in BARMM and across the nation. We anticipate joint efforts in teacher training, curriculum development, infrastructure improvement, and community engagement, all aimed at nurturing the potential of our youth and preparing them for a brighter future.

Once again, congratulations, Secretary Angara. May your tenure be marked by transformative achievements, strengthened partnerships, and the realization of our collective goal of empowering every learner in the Philippines. We are committed to working with you towards this noble mission.

Shukran and Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


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