Message of Catherine Joyce Arandia, Summa Cum Laude Candidate, AHME-SP First Cohort Scholar

“To Hon. Ahod B. Ebrahim, Chief Minister of BARMM; Hon. Mohagher M. lqbal, Minister of MBHTE-BARMM; Hon. Marjuni M. Maddi, Director General of Higher Education; Hon. Eddie M. Alih, Member of the Parliament; Hon. Mohammad Ali Matabalao, Mayor of Cotabato City; to all the guests, family, friends, and to my 1st Cohort AHME-SP Scholars; ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

Imagine a world where dreams are just mere dreams – unreachable, too far to be seen, and impossible to attain. Here, the very notion of aspiring is neglect. In such a place, dreams are fleeting. Once you wake up, everything will be nothing, and nothing turns to dust.

Now, I want you to imagine a world where everything is possible and that you yourselves are sitting there in your seats, wearing your best smiles with igniting passion and hope. At this time, you open your eyes. This is the dream turning into reality. And the good thing is, it’s finally nearing our hands – all thanks to the AHME scholarship.

Four years ago, I thought everything would come to its dire end – the pandemic spread over the country, lockdowns paralyzed our parents’ income with no assurance of a better tomorrow, and us being unaware of what might come next. For six months, I would bedrot in my room, introspecting about life.

But, who would’ve thought that that girl four years ago is standing here in front of you and will be graduating this June 2024? Who would’ve thought that the person you were four years ago who was stressing about financial support and school requirements will be getting their diplomas a few months from now?

AHME scholarship is more than financial support. It is a representation of hope and how it can transform our lives where dreams are not just dreams; it can be a reality to those who dared and persevered. It is the face of our hardwork and determination, as well as the fruit of our accomplishment. For me, this scholarship is a lifeline that bridges my education to care for others in the hospital. As a fourth-year nursing student who witnessed everything from a mother’s joy during the birth of their child to the last gasp of air of a dying patient, I wouldn’t be able to experience these things and give quality care to these patients without this scholarship.

As I look forward full of hope, let our journey be a testament of passion and service through AHME scholarship. It inspired me to put hope in everything I do and instilled a sense of giving back to those who dream like me, because after all, those who get their dreams come true are those who once dared.

To those who made this scholarship come to life: Hon. Ahod Balawag Ebrahim, Chief Minister of BARMM, and the whole BTA Parliament, my deepest appreciation for shaping the youth of today full of aspirations through this scholarship program. It has not only opened a door of prospective careers, but also of passion in excellence and dedication in our crafts. Through AHME scholarship, I am able to rear my skills and knowledge to overcome challenges and contribute to the holistic formation of our society.

To Hon. Mohagher M. labal, Minister of MBHTE-BARMM, and Hon. Marjuni M. Maddi, Director General of Higher Education, my heartfelt gratitude for believing in our capabilities to grow and succeed in life, just like how you are today.

This scholarship is beyond funding education; it is you investing in our potential and capabilities for a brighter future. Your commitment to hone a promising generation who will lead and care for others is a cornerstone to a fruitful tomorrow.

To my parents and siblings, who did not give up on my dreams, thank you for being by my side through ups-and-downs of life. Your undying sacrifices are nearing to harvest, and every fruit of my labor shall be also your success for I am nothing without you.

And to those of you, my fellow AHME scholars, congratulations for nearing your completion. Your determination is an amiable beacon of passion and determination to succeed.

Indeed, the sun is burning hotter these days, and so does our passion. Hence, put faith in action and go forth fearlessly, for the pursuit of brighter tomorrow lies within you.

Thank you and cheers to all who dared to dream!”


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