
This section contains the latest official Issuances, Advisories, Facts and Figures, and Transparency reports on education in the BARMM.

RM No. 922, s. 2023 Amendment of the Responsibilities of the IT Focal Person for Each Subsector

RM No. 921, s. 2023 Workshop on Policy Drafting for Madrasah Balanced Curriculum

RM No. 920, s. 2023 Training on Collaborative Writing to Develop Contextualized Learning Materials (LMS) for Senior High School

RM No. 917, s. 2023 Capacity Building for Alternative Learning System (ALS)

RM No. 918, s. 2023 Development of Training Needs Assessment for K-12 Teachers: Assessment, Design, and Tools

RM No. 916-B, s. 2023 Child Protection Orientation and Training

RM 916-B, s. 2023 Child Protection Orientation and Training

RM No. 915, s. 2023 Capacity Building on Strategic Planning for the Preparation of Division Education Development Plan (DEDP); Education in Emergencies (EIE) and WINS Integration in the School Improvement Plan

RM No. 912, s. 2023 Schedule of Pre-Bid Conference and Submission and Opening of Bids

RM No. 910, s. 2023 Corrigendum to the MBHTE Regional Memorandum No. 844, s. 2023 Participation in Training Workshop Cum Orientation on the Implementation of the Tahderiyyah Curriculum in the Accredited Private Madaris in BARMM